Precision Health & Fitness FAQ

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How do I start training with you?

Simply click one of the "get started today" links throughout my website (such as at the bottom of this page) and fill out the form letting me know you are interested. I will get in contact with you and we will go from there.

What age groups do you work with for in-home personal training?

Most of my clients are over 40, although anyone interested in training to improve their lifelong health and fitness can be a great fit. Unfortunately many people do not appreciate the benefits of this type of training until they are older and start experiencing aches, pains, or other physical challenges.

What age groups are able to participate in Harrison Healthy Movement and Self Defense classes?

Almost all ages are welcome in Harrison Healthy Movement and Self Defense classes. The only requirement is that students are mature enough to follow directions and participate in a way that is not disruptive to the rest of the class. If you are uncertain, please contact me for more information. This curriculum is continually growing and if there is a demand for a particular age group, such as kids, new courses can be created to meet that need.

If I have a medical condition, can I participate in Harrison Healthy Movement and Self Defense classes?

There is no simple answer to this question. Most people are capable of participating, but some classes have higher physical requirements than others. The introductory course and the general health/recovery focused classes can accommodate most people. However, even these classes include standing movement drills and being able to safely get down to the ground and back up again. If you are uncertain or want more information, please contact me to discuss your unique situation.

What exactly do you do?

That is much eeasier to answer by experiencing a consultation or by having a training session with me, as it can be difficult to put into words, because I don't know anyone who does exactly what I do.

I can so, I combine elements from personal training, physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychology, movement activities (e.g. martial arts, dance), other forms of exercise (e.g. yoga, pilates) and more. There is no one size fits all approach to my training programs.

I look at each person's needs and goals and design a program involving exercise, nutrition, stretching, mindset work, and more. My job is to provide each person with the support they need to thrive in life.

What will I do physically during a training session?

There is no set training program as client needs can be incredibly different, but there are some general themes to how I approach training. I usually use full-body training routines involving a combination of exercise modalities (weights, resistance bands, stability tools, bodyweight exercises, and much more).

The primary thread between every training program is my focus on developing healthier and more effective neurological patterning. In other words, I teach you to develop awaremess of how your body works and strengthen the connection between your mind and the rest of your body.

Exercising becomes less about how much weight you can lift or how many reps you can do, but rather how well you can perform each exercise and what messages your body is internalizing from doing the exercises. Believe me, so many people unknowingly send harmful messages to their body that leads to physical deterioration and pain years later.

My Health First Approach to Fitness teaches your body to use the correct muscles at the right times to maximize function and minimize wear and tear throughout your body. It also improves muscle imbalances, posture, and so much more. The end result is a healthier and higher performing body throughout the rest of yor life.

How much does it cost for a session?

On average, the price is around $100 per session. However, this is only an estimate as prices vary, particularly with in-home training, due to factors such as travel time.

How do I pay for my sessions?

I accept credit cards, cash, checks, and Paypal. Other sources may be considered as needed.

How many sessions do I have to buy and when do I pay for them?

Sessions have to be paid for at the time of service or in advance. I work out a payment schedule that works for each client's situation. You can choose how many sessions you want to buy and we can change the payment schedule at any time.